藝程文化交流協會成立於2011年1月,是位於美國的非牟利慈善藝術團體,每位成員都是義務工作者。本會的宗旨是推廣各國文化藝術,鼓勵及引導我們的年青一代及社會人士去欣賞、認識和接觸來自不同國家的文化寶藏,以達致文化交流的目的。本會很榮幸邀得資深粵劇導演楊劍華老師出任藝術顧問;粵劇名伶林少芬老師任化妝顧問。 本會成立後的首個活動便邀請了來自香港的聲輝兒童粵劇團來洛杉磯作交流演出,獲得極大成功。 成立以來本會除定期拜訪老人院外,已數度舉辦了「戲曲知多少」免費文化活動, 推動粵劇戲曲文化。現正積極推動兒童粵劇,鼓勵小朋友學習, 並應各界邀請讓他們表演,更希望能把「兒童粵劇」帶進校園,讓本土的學生們有機會接觸及認識。 本會希望各界熱心人士及社會機構能不吝賜教,並慷慨支持我們的活動。
Perfect Harmony Cultural Exchange Association
Perfect Harmony Cultural Exchange Association was established in January of 2011 as a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization. All members of our organization are volunteers.
Our mission is to inspire and educate the younger generations to appreciate the cultural wealth that surrounds us.
We are greatly honored to have seasoned opera director Master Yeung, Kim Wah as our artistic consultant and professional opera artist Ms. Lam, Siu Fun as our opera make-up consultant.
As the premiere event in 2011, we invited the well-known Sing Fai Children Cantonese Opera Troupe from Hong Kong to perform in Los Angeles. It was a great success!
We hold free workshops, face painting and costumes try out for the young and old to enjoy. Every month we visit local convalescent homes and deliver our love and care to the elderly through singing.
We currently present Cantonese Opera by children (ages 7 to 13) to local communities and looking forward to introduce this traditional art to students in schools.
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
2/9/14 Performance at St. Bridget Church in celebration of Chinese New Year
Our 6 year old Carissa's debut performance, Beauty and the King, at the St. Bridget Chinese Catholic Church's fun fair in celebration of the Lunar New Year . The King is played by Emily La, 10 years old. Both of them has just learned cantonese opera for a few months.
Scholar Tong by Jaslyne Tam (7 years old) and Langie Tsang (6 years old)
Princess Cheung Peng sung by Anthony Lam (11 years old) and Tiffany Lai (12 years old)
The event was a great success! Flowers from the church to our young performers. Photo with the Bishop, Pastor and our wonderful MC for the event.
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